Brussels Comic Con

This year, lots of new conventions are suddenly popping up. Big corporations bought out loving nerds and are killing conventions in Belgium by making them soulless and taking out the magic of saving up all year to go.

Brussels comic con and starcom, however are hosted by nerds again! Someone that said NO MORE! and  agree. I’m most likely quitting FACTS, Antwerp con, Japan expo and all the biggies and sticking to starcom (if it goes well), Tsunacon (which will be skipping a year) and Abunai. I just can’t afford all the raised prices on multiple conventions a month.

that’s a rant for another time, however and I owe a BXL CC REPORT! YEAH!
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Pastel Goth

Let’s talk about pastel goth.
It’s one of the fashion styles that I really love and get inspired by!
Please keep in mind these are my observations and opinions and I’m in no way a “master of pastel goth”. I just like the look of it!


I also like “classic goth”, but since I’m personally a fan of pastel shades and all things girly, this new fashion style is the perfect mix! Think creepy-cute. Use creepy things in cute colours or mixed with cute things.

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